Welsh Revenue Authority weeknotes

📝 Weeknotes #5 - land and property data proof of concept

Hello and welcome to week 5 of the land and property data proof of concept,

A reminder that we are exploring how the WRA can support geographically varied land and property taxes and if a data platform for land and property in Wales could also be the foundation for something more. We want to:


Our core team has expanded, with Tony leading on design, and Chris and Tom on data. We’ve also presented the platform approach to colleagues in Welsh Government Treasury policy and the Welsh Government data group.

🗺 The data landscape

Building on the data catalogue, we’ve begun to explore the potential joins between existing the foundational datasets for land and property, as well as where the gaps might be. That’s triggered a conversation about what conceptual units we should be thinking about and how land, buildings and properties link to each other.

🏗 Prototyping

We wanted to start to get a feel for the user interface affordances of the data and how it might be presented together, for example, to a conveyancer. We also wanted some design provocations that we could use to enable conversations with stakeholders.

Design at this stage of a proof of concept is not about designing the perfect thing, it’s creating artefacts that build a shared understanding of a problem, bring the data to life and invite questions. This was nicely illustrated at the show and tell, where the prototype raised questions about integration with Land Registry data and the different options for searching for properties e.g. postcode, address, etc.

🗓 Focus for next week

🗞 Blog post and team website

We have published an archive of previous weeknotes so that people new to the work can get up to speed quickly.

A reminder that the team website is here and the data landscape catalogue is here.

📑 Things we found along the way this sprint…